Rolling registration means that you can join our courses at any point in the term (recommended during its first half) with a discount applied to the full course price from week 3. 


Your child will learn naturally through play and Timmy's stories

Introducing English to your child between the ages of two and six allows them to learn the language when it comes to them most naturally. 

The British Council's early years specialists have designed Learning Time with Timmy to be fun and engaging for your child. Our approach to learning nurtures your child's creativity, critical thinking and social skills as they learn English. It boosts their self-confidence and helps them develop communication skills and good pronunciation. Find out more about how we teach.

We have partnered with Aardman animation studios because the stories of their world-famous character Timmy, star of Timmy Timeenable your child to learn new words in context. Timmy and his friends will capture your child’s imagination. This connection deepens their engagement in the learning process.

Improve your child's learning with our world of English expertise. 

Course overview

Course format: Two 60-minute lessons per week. Maximum 12 students in a class.

Location: British Council Bratislava

Price: 936 Eur/ academic year *

Dates: 16 September 2024 - 3 July 2025

Duration: 3 x 12 weeks

Age: 5-6 years

One academic year consists of 3 terms. Courses in one term run for 12 weeks. The total course length over three terms in the academic year is 36 weeks (72 hours).

* If you wish to pay the fee for the whole academic year at once before the start of the course, British Council offers a discount of 7% from the listed price. To apply the discount, the fee for all three terms (autumn 2024, winter 2025 and spring 2025) must be paid no later than September 16, 2024. Otherwise, it is possible to pay the corresponding amount (312 Eur) always before the beginning of each term.


What will my child learn aged 5 years?

In this course stage your child will: 

  • join in with repeated refrains in songs and stories
  • be able to follow a story with pictures or props
  • be aware of the way stories are structured
  • listen to stories with increasing attention and recall and anticipate key events
  • extend vocabulary by grouping and naming objects
  • say the alphabet
  • begin to talk about size of everyday objects, e.g. 'big' and 'small'
  • give meaning to the marks they make as they draw, write and paint
  • use three fingers (tripod grip) to hold writing tools
  • understand and use some positional language
  • look closely at similarities, differences, patterns and change
  • recognise and recite numbers in order to 15 and use some number names accurately in play
  • count and record using marks they can interpret and explain.

What will my child learn aged 6 years?

In this course stage your child will: 

  • identify and describe main story settings, events and principal characters, and suggest how a story might end
  • imitate a familiar story
  • start to change a familiar story supported by an innovative approach from Talk4Writing   
  • represent a changed story through chosen form of expression e.g. art, drama, dance/movement, information technology or writing
  • invent a new story and represent it through desired expression
  • extend vocabulary by grouping and naming objects
  • order and sequence familiar events in stories and/or familiar steps in an everyday task
  • be aware of own feelings and describe some of them
  • describe self, identify abilities, and express preferences and opinions
  • recreate roles and experiences in play situations
  • link sounds to letters, begin to segment sounds in simple words and blend them together to read
  • say the number that is one more than a given number and recognise the numerals 1-20
  • find the total number of items in two or three groups, by counting all of them, and record using marks they can interpret and explain
  • use a pencil effectively to form recognisable letters and attempt to write short sentences in meaningful contexts.

Study options




5 years old Monday / Wednesday 14.15-15.15
6 years old Monday / Wednesday 14.15-15.15

No lessons on: 30.-31.10.2024, 14.-21.4.2025 and bank holidays

The detailed timetable with pricelist for 2024/2025 courses is available below in Downloads.

All images © Mat Wright 2018.