How to use Aptis

How do you want Aptis to work for you?

  • You administer the tests: We provide you with everything you need to conduct the tests yourself, as and when it’s convenient. You can monitor progress and produce your own reports.
  • We administer the tests: We understand that your business or organisation may not have time to manage the test taking process yourselves, so we can manage the test for you: from setting up computers to presenting results. We can also invigilate the test and ensure secure test conditions.


A scaled score (0-50) is given for each skill tested and you can use this to compare individual candidates. It also helps you measure progress if candidates are re-taking the test.

You can choose to see test results one by one or in a group format, allowing you to analyse performance for individuals and departments as a whole.

Flexible delivery formats

We can provide Aptis delivery through a variety of methods:


The easiest way to take Aptis is taking a computer-based version which:

  • is delivered in your work place at your convenience 
  • is available for PCs or tablets
  • enables people to take the test at different times, suitable for them and your business
  • even allows candidates to download and take the test offline at anytime
  • provides fast results
  • is a cost-effective method of delivery.


A traditional pen and paper based version is also available for situations where you might want to assess a large number of test-takers in a single sitting. Please note, the speaking test can only be taken via computer or telephone.

Pen and paper testing makes it easy to:

  • assess a large number of test-takers in a single sitting
  • conduct the test without internet connectivity or software
  • assess candidates without the need for computer skills.


We also offer the Aptis speaking test over the telephone. This version of the test:

  • is suitable for challenging environments 
  • is convenient in terms of timing
  • does not require internet connectivity
  • is a perfect ‘real-life’ skills test, especially if your business wants to focus on telephone speaking and listening skills.

Fast and cost efficient set up and results

We can implement a solution for your testing needs with a turnaround of 48 hours from test submission to reporting of results. In addition to this, the speaking and writing skills are quickly assessed by the British Council experts.

Whether you want to use the test to identify prospective employees, or assess your current employees’ English language levels, Aptis is a smart investment that continues to add value to your business.

  • Tailor the assessment to test only what you need.
  • Multiple test packages may also qualify for a discount. Contact us to get your personalised offer.
  • A low cost means you can repeat tests with employees. Perfect for assessing improvement of skills over time.

 Flexible for your business needs

  • Target as many of the language skills you need (writing, reading, speaking or listening) or choose all four Customise tests to your industry: business, travel, tourism or education for example.
  • Focus on the business performance issues you want to address: remain competitive and protect your reputation.

Fair and secure

Aptis gives candidates equal opportunities to show their best English. The test has been specifically developed to be culturally neutral providing a fair testing platform for all candidates.

There are multiple versions of Aptis test questions with new materials being introduced all the time. This means that candidates will not get the same questions as people sitting next to them.

Accurate and reliable results

We have more than 70 years’ experience in English assessment.

Aptis scores are accurate and reliable: research shows that candidates receive similar results on multiple attempts as our expert examiners mark the writing and speaking skills. Visit our research page for more information about the scientific research we put into language skill testing.

The scores you receive are scaled to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The test provides an overall CEFR level for each skill taken (A1-C). If you test all four skills you will receive a report that relates to an overall CEFR level. The CEFR is used worldwide as a framework of reference for English proficiency ability.